dbrick in the cut

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Mr. Pitiful

When I got here in August and spent nearly a month sweating profusely in the extreme humidity, I didn't think it could get this cold and dry. This is the complete polar opposite of what I experienced when arriving. I can't drink enough water; that's the only thing that has been constant. In the summer, I was drinking to replace lost gallons of sweat, now I drink to avoid drying up like a prune. I'm constantly parched and get severe teacher breath by the end of the day. Talking all day with an already dry mouth will do that. I'm sure my students talk about my ca-ca breath behind my back. I have a toothbrush and toothpaste here, but that is only effective for so long when you're speaking for an hour straight. Maybe it's just halitosis, but all the other teachers carry oral hygiene products as well.

While I complain about this and anything else I can think of, the Koreans take it like business as usual. I like that. These are just facts of life for them and they're used to dealing with it. I'm sure I could find plenty of people moaning about the weather here, but I don't think it would compare to a summer retirement community in Boca Raton.

Last night, I came to realize just how pitiful I am. I was watching Tommy Hilfiger's The Cut (some would think that's pitiful enough, but it gets worse) when I recognized a model they used for a photo shoot. Shuffling through my mental rolodex, I came to recognize her from Tyra Banks' America's Next Top Model. This is a new all time low in my life. Not only was I watching reality TV which I loathe, I actually recognized one of the people on the show from a different reality program. I couldn't be more ashamed of myself, but I've been sucked into the drama. There aren't many options on TV besides Friends, a reality show, or a fashion show critiquing how Paris Hilton looked at the Teen Choice Awards. After searching for other options unsuccessfully, I have surrendered to the constant force feeding of reality TV. Some of you may be saying, why don't you just read a book? I do read, but sometimes I just want to sit on my sofa and zone out to some garbage. Plus, some of the people on these shows are hilarious. So many of them are absolutely delusional, ridiculous characters searching for fame and fortune; it is fun to laugh at them. Although I wonder if they are more pitiful for being on the show or I am more pitiful for actually watching it...


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