dbrick in the cut

Friday, December 09, 2005

Lickin' Stick

I was in the school's computer lab the other day and witnessed a ridiculous beating from one of the ladies at the front desk to her son. I don't know what he did wrong, but he was definitely putting up a fight about it. He stubbornly tried to stay in his chair while his mom attempted to wrestle him out. After a few strong spanks to his rear, she got him out of the chair and gave him a good slap across the face. She quickly escorted him to an empty classroom nearby where she gave him a little more. I don't know what she did, but I've never heard screaming like that. After a few minutes, she left him in the room and there was an uncomfortable silence among all of those who had the privilege to observe the seemingly epic smack down. I made eye contact with the lady later in the day and she gave me an embarrassed smile. I chose to return the smile just because I was nervous she might beat the tar out of me if I didn't. I now look at her in a whole new light and am quite fearful of her hidden rage.
After this, I started to think about the pros and cons of hitting your children. I'd like to first point out that I don't have any kids of my own and have never hit a kid intentionally. Also, I know I recently wrote about not instilling fear into kids to get them to perform in school; this is about discipline though. I'm not saying that people should smack their kids across the face or beat them with a leather belt, but a good spanking might get a point across. A lot of kids don't understand the logic of why they shouldn't do certain things, but they do understand the association between behavior and pain. Putting a little fear into them is sometimes the only option for discipline (most adults make threats to kids for various things and that is using fear as a disciplinary tactic). But does it really teach them to behave properly or just behave properly when the spanker is present? If they are misbehaving when the spanker isn't around, then what is the best way to teach a kid how to act? I always like the Chris Rock line that goes something like, "I won't hit my kids, but I'll shake the shit out of them." When the point isn't getting across and your kid isn't listening to you trying to reason with them, is it really that wrong to put them over your knee and give them a few smacks or "shake the shit out of them?"
I can remember only one occasion when I got spanked. I had written "Fuck you Ryan Scovel" in chalk on the neighbor's sidewalk. My dad gave me a few good whacks on the ass, but I don't really remember feeling that bad about it after I was finished crying. I still tormented that kid until I was too old to care anymore. I know I was wrong, but I was an arrogant little shit that enjoyed making jokes at other's expense. Would I have behaved better had I gotten a beating from my parents every now and then? Probably not, but I'm sure my parents would have felt a little better if they could have smacked me around after I got arrested or got kicked off of the school bus in fourth grade.
I don't really think that abuse is acceptable, but I feel that a lot of kids think they can get away with murder because of a lack of serious consequences. Kids know that an adult can't hit them and will push their behavior to the limits because of that. If they had the slightest feeling that they may get a serious spanking when they get home, they may reconsider their actions. I usually don't endorse fear tactics, but, as I said before, reasoning with children doesn't always get the job done. The all mighty spank could be a last result. Then again, does it really get the point across or just make you feel better?
This is the point in the blog experience where you write comments telling me that I'm absolutely crazy for even thinking of hitting a kid or that I'm right on or that my writing is pure genius or that this blog sucks and I should be ashamed of myself. I don't really care, I just want to see some comments. Give me something to work with here. Remember, you can be anonymous in the comment.
On that note, I'm out.


At 4:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, you don't know me, but I think it's kind of hot the way you write about beating kids...

...I'm kidding, it's Sam. I knew your sociologist/psychologist streak would come out at some point. Why don't you publish the report you wrote for my mom's class at UMKC in its entirety sometime soon?

I'm sitting at work about as bored as you must've been when you wrote that last post. Weirdo.

I miss your doughy, sausagey figure.

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're sick and a good writer. i like it. i'm going home to spank maria.

At 6:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In that Chris Rock skit, he was referring to women. Saying he would never hit a women 'But I'd sure as hell shake the shit of her'.

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think shaking is way worse than spanking


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