dbrick in the cut

Monday, August 22, 2005

Welcome Back

I haven't been too inspired lately, but I'm back and refreshed with plenty of thoughts for your dome.
The picture attached is from a McDonald's in Osaka. I know, of all the things I could have attached, I pick this. But I was so happy to see McD's give an answer to Burger King's Croissanwich. Look at this thing. Hamburger, Egg, Cheese, Bacon, and three buns. The only thing I've seen that's worse is the Fatboy at Otto's in KC. That had all these things plus cream cheese and jalapenos. Really though, I'm just happy to see the Japanese eating something substantial. All that rice and raw fish can't be healthy.

I'm in the computer lab at the school with one of my "Elite" classes. They're working on power-point presentations for a seminar next month. One of the boys is going to speak about metrosexuals. When he read his speech to me the other day, I had to hold back the laughter as he talked about David Beckham's "beautifully sculpted muscles" and his good-looks. What twelve year-old you know talks about metrosexuals? All I know is either this kid is extremely comfortable with his sexuality for a thirteen year-old (a pretty confusing time considering he's probably getting an erection every five minutes), or he is going to be very confused soon.

It's tough being so far away from family and friends when they are going through hard times. The ability to have conversations over the internet (skype is great) makes keeping in touch simple, but it doesn't compensate for physical contact. That's what sucks about being so far away; you can't just sit with someone. I miss that. What is it about sitting with someone that is so special? You can talk or not talk, in a lot of cases you're not touching, and most of the time you're not even looking at the person. We all watch TV with people and barely even acknowledge their presence, yet we still prefer to have someone there than not (I realize alone time is special too). The comfort of company is a hell of a thing. While I've been sitting in my room watching the first season of the Sopranos the last few nights, I've been craving company. I've met plenty of people thus far and like most of them, but all these relationships are still young and uncomfortable at times. I think this feeling of loneliness will start to deteriorate once people back home start to feel better and I become closer with people here. Maybe not. I don't know, I'm just trying to make sense of the constant rambling that is going on in my head. That's one thing that I'm sick of: my own thoughts. I just want to tell myself to shut the hell up sometimes. I've had a lot of time with my thoughts for the past few weeks and have decided that my thoughts suck!

On that note, I'm out...


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