Head First
I have a better understanding of how all of the rookies on the Kansas City Royals feel. I've been thrown into the field unprepared and clueless much like most of them although I think I have a higher chance of success. I arrived in Seoul yesterday and was taken to my temporary apartment where I almost immediately crashed, woke up this morning and began teaching. I'm a little disoriented to say the least.
The flight was long, but I was lucky enough to watch Matthew Maconoughey in the action blockbuster Sahara. Boy, do I have a new found respect for him. Not only did he manage to end a civil war in Mali, find an American civil war battleship in the Sahara Desert, end a possible life-threatening global epidemic, and find millions of dollars in hidden treasure, he also fell in love with Penelope Cruz and lived happily ever after. I won't even mention Monster in Law featuring Jane Fonda in her return to the big screen.
Anyway, I haven't had the opportunity to explore Seoul just yet. I've completed three classes thus far and am on a break before my final two. The work is easy. I spend 40 minutes repeating scenarios of meeting and greeting. The kids are well behaved for the most part, but there have been a few wild seeds. Nothing horrible yet.
One stereotype I'd like to dispel is the height of these people. Granted, I'm not a tall man, but I have noticed that I am shorter than most of the men here. I guess that explains why my half Korean, half Jew, freshman year roommate was 6'3".
Overall, things are going well thus far. All of the teachers and administrators at the school have been extremely nice and accommodating. My boss took out all of the teachers for drinks and karaoke last week and wants to take me out now.
That's it for now.
Please excuse poor spelling and grammar. I'm too tired to check this.
ummmm, they do have spell check, yo! You haven't checked out Seoul yet? What the hell have you been doing? You've been there, what 48 hours? Ha, just playin. See ya on the flip side. Duncan d
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