I would say that I can't believe what I'm reading about the criticism of the Bush Administration, but I'd be lying. I am in no way surprised at the lack of strong and decisive leadership that we have seen in the past week. All I read now is an admission that a federal response to Katrina was "unacceptable," but Mr. President wants to save lives instead of playing the "blame game." In other words, he's saying, "I've done a shit job of acting like this is top priority in my book, but now I'm trying to save face and divert people from blaming me until later when I appear a little more heroic and a little less incompetent." How many times do we have to watch this administration screw up, realize they screwed up, then try to cover up their faults with a new agenda and silenced criticism.
In my last blog I claimed that Kanye West's comments on the NBC fundraiser may have been said in the wrong place and time. I have reconsidered. I wrote that because I was afraid I might offend some people reading this or create some sort of conflict in opinion. That has to stop. In the past few years I've witnessed myself and others save their "liberal" opinions for the dinner table and other "liberals." While preaching to the choir might feel good, it's not enough. Everyone needs to have a voice.
I'd love to say that your tax money would help pay for relief, but that's not the case. You can take comfort in the fact that your tax money is keeping the National Guard and soldiers who have lost their families and homes in the Middle East looking for terrorists and instilling "freedom" in Iraq. How about that? We've spent so much money and exercised so many resources, that we can't even provide aid and protection for ourselves at home. What if there were another natural disaster or terrorist attack right now? How would we deal with that? The war on terror can't be won and will only take away more money that could be saving lives in the Gulf Coast right now by providing clean water, food, shelter, recover boats, etc...But try telling W that.
Here's an idea, take our tax dollars that are funding the war and use them towards aid for Katrina. Then, try to raise money through private donations and fundraising for the war on terror. What do you think the outcome would be? (I realize this is far-fetched and impossible, but think about it). How about this, if a natural disaster like Katrina happened around W's ranch, do you think it would take him a week to react...
The people in the Gulf deserve better. Americans deserve better.
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